Kingdom of Golf

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May 11, 2010

Erica Blasberg

LPGA Tour Player Erica Blasberg has been found dead at her Henderson, Nevada home. It's hard to find something to say about a 25 year old who loses their life just when it's getting started. Add to this the odd and troubling circumstances surrounding her death and it becomes even harder.

I watched Blasberg play only a few times; once in person, I believe, and a few times on TV. Surrounded by bigger and stronger players, she and her game reminded me more than a little of Emilee Klein. Like Klein, Blasberg's modest size and strength led her to develop a game of precision and style, not easy qualities to attain in golf.

There's been a disconcerting tone to some of what's being written about Blasberg. Some have said that she's struggled on tour. For all but a few, and fewer still on the LPGA Tour, golf is always a struggle.

There is no disgrace in struggling, but rather a dignity, and I rather think that those who wrote of Blasberg's struggles were more in search of an angle than something truly relevant to say about her. But so it goes.

In losing Erica Blasberg golf has lost a little of its brightness.

I'll miss watching her play.


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