Kingdom of Golf

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May 15, 2007

Let's Say Goodbye to the Most Minor of the Majors

With last week's Player's won by both a fan and media darling, talk has started again about making The Player's golf's fifth professional major. I won't waste your time detailing just why this would be a silly idea. Instead, I'll introduce a much better (if more subversive) idea: Let's get rid of a major and let's make it that most minor of the majors, the PGA Championship.

Was that Walter Hagen and his 5 PGAs who I just heard roll over in his grave and take a sip from his hip flask? Sorry Haig, but today's PGA isn't your PGA anyway. We all know that the real PGA was a match play event and that it was intended for club pros. What, exactly, is the point of the PGA without it being about the club pros? The PGA Championship of today is just another payday for the PGA Tour with their annual dismissive toss of a bone to a mere handful of club pros.

Getting rid of the PGA needn't screw up the Major Count, either. We'll just grandfather in all of the past PGA winners: Tiger, Jack and Hagen can keep their titles. Heck, just to show you that I'm a nice guy even Shaun Micheel and Jeff Sluman can keep their Wanamakers.

Of course, I am kidding, but just barely. At some point the PGA Tour needs to learn that more is only more, it's not better.



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